The Dance of the Archetypes
Discover the hidden roots of your being and your dance through the Archetypes.
This workshop is for seekers, artists in general, dancers, dancers, therapists, psychologists and beings with the desire to grow and develop their art for life with the desire to know the inner parts or people that pull the strings from the unconscious.
What will you learn in this workshop?
In this workshop we will explore how to integrate the six feminine and masculine archetypes of your archetypal birth chart, using CBT (Conscious Body Technique) exercises to unite body, mind and spirit.
A week in which you will work on your intimacy and at the same time on your daily life, knowing that I will be accompanying you and that we will give closure to your experience together.
✅ SPEECH: The integration of feminine and masculine archetypes.
Here I will talk about what an archetype is; the masculine and feminine energy; the 12 main archetypes and how they dance with each other.
✅ MASTERCLASS: The integration of feminine and masculine archetypes.
This class will be dedicated to observing how each of the feminine archetypes fulfill their function when they evolve by joining with their masculine complement.
✅ 5 tutorials to help you with your flamenco technique
Intended to work with:
- Tutorial 1: Structural Placement.
- Tutorial 9: Hands, subtlety and energy.
- Tutorial 33: Strength of feet.
You can choose to complement your work (with which you will work optionally) with:
- Tutorial 30: Ankle strength
- Tutorial 18: Shoulder, elbow and wrist awareness.
✅ 5 audios of exercises with archetypes
The following audios offer you the opportunity to reflect and learn both in your personal sphere and in your daily life, addressing how deep emotions and everyday stimuli influence your perception:
- The Lover and the Warrior → The Eros
- Emotions and Communication → Expression.
- The Servant and the Ego → Acceptance
- Personal Processes and The Other → The Couple Relationship.
- Wisdom and Mastery → Destiny
✅ 1 interactive group session by zoom
The workshop will conclude with a live analysis of the 6th pair of archetypes:“Spirituality and the Earthly“, using humanistic astrology and the participants’ birth charts.
You will receive a personalized document with images of your feminine and masculine archetypes for individual study.
The session will include a practical exercise, resolution of doubts and facilitation to integrate what was learned during the week.
Enjoy one of our free classes
Some time ago I shared this free class where we talked about archetypes and went into the world of the unknown exploring the different facets of the Self, to discover and better understand your own archetypes and how they influence your life and your artistic expressions.
Individual Workshop
Group Workshop
135 ( Non-students)
100€* ( FC Community students)
If you are a student of the TCC FlamenConsciente® Training, it is included.
Perfect Your Expression with The Archetypes Dance Workshop
feminine and masculine archetypes through flamenco dance and how they influence your artistic and personal expression with the help of humanistic astrology.
If you are interested and want to know more about our workshop, please fill out the following form. If you prefer more direct communication, you can: