FlamenConsciente® Retreat

A deep and transforming immersion
of flamenco dance

The retreat is held in the beautiful Sierra Norte, just 35 km from Seville, offering an intimate and peaceful environment for a small group of participants.

This unique configuration allows for a deep connection between attendees, facilitating a safe and conducive environment to open the heart and soul to the art of flamenco and emotional exploration.

retiros tecnica corporal consciente sevilla

Who can sign up for FlamenConsciente® retreats?

This retreat is specially designed for dancers, flamenco dance students, coaches, therapists and bodyworkers who are looking to deepen their practice and explore the FlamenConsciente® methodology.

It is a unique opportunity for those in the field of dance and body therapy who wish to integrate these aspects into their professional and personal development.

Benefits and Methodology of the Retreat

Participate in a retreat that transforms more than your dance; it transforms your being.

In this intimate space you will not only delve into traditional flamenco technique, but also explore the emotional and spiritual dimensions of your dance.

This holistic approach allows you to discover and decode what your body expresses through flamenco, helping you to find and perfect your unique voice within this ancient art.

It is an invitation to a personal journey of self-knowledge and genuine expression.

FlamenConsciente® 2024 Agenda:

FlamenConsciente® Retreat

June 14 to 16

Conscious assembly of your dance and emotional exploration

A retreat in the heart of the Sierra Norte, 35 km from Seville, for few residents. The small group gives us the possibility to deepen, intimate and get to know each other, to be able to feel the confidence to open our heart and soul to flamenco dance, emotional exploration and transpersonal plane where we will look for your authentic flamenco dance.

calendar June 14 to 16

calendar 320, which includes 2 nights with full board: 2 breakfasts + 2 lunches + 2 dinners + 4 breaks.

calendar Sierra de Sevilla, Serrano Lakes (Guillena)

calendar Payment by Bizum or bank transfer.

FlamenConsciente® Retreat

September 20 to 22

Conscious assembly of your dance and emotional exploration

A retreat in the heart of the Sierra Norte, 35 km from Seville, for few residents. The small group gives us the possibility to deepen, intimate and get to know each other, to be able to feel the confidence to open our heart and soul to flamenco dance, emotional exploration and transpersonal plane where we will look for your authentic flamenco dance.

calendar September 14 to 16

calendar 320, which includes 2 nights with full board: 2 breakfasts + 2 lunches + 2 dinners + 4 breaks.

calendar Sierra de Sevilla, Serrano Lakes (Guillena)

calendar Payment by Bizum or bank transfer.

Carol tells you about her experience

The FlamenConsciente workshop was an opportunity to experience myself as an individual within a group, in the context of flamenco.

It gave me the opportunity to experience my own energy and the energy of others at the level of sensation. India presented a new approach to technique and dance, also with the aim of research.

What happens if…? How do I gather strength? How can I use my breath to support my movement or balance?

Ultimately, it was an opportunity to expose my essence and create space for others to do the same.

It was not what I expected; it was much more.

Carol Basilio
Philadelphia, USA

Frequently Asked Questions

Everyone goes at his own pace.

If you already have experience, you will explore other resources, correct vices and learn to empower your body without effort, to use your natural strength.

If you are learning or it is your first time, you will lay a good foundation. This is not about who does it better, learns faster or has more virtuosity, but about recovering the ability to feel the vital and creative energy of your dance and your life.

Your level is your desire to evolve and raise your body awareness.

You will meet people who are doing a group growth experience for the first time. Others may never have attended a regular therapy session. There will be those who already have some personal journey at an emotional level.

It is this diversity that will make the energy of the group tuck you calmly and safely to do your research.

  1. First session. The Placement and Energy Centers.
    Friday from 16 to 20h
  2. Second session. The Turns and The Expressive Center.
    Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  3. Third session. The Brushes and The Sexual or Power Center.
    Saturday from 16 to 20h.
  4. Fourth session. El Montaje and El Ser Danzante (with live singing and guitar).
    Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

We will call them sessions, since they are a little longer than the regular class.

Each session will last 4 hours and will be divided into two parts, each one separated by a break where you can have a drink or just a change of air to enter the second part:

  1. The first part of the session will be dedicated to the Conscious Body Technique for your flamenco dance and your life. The difference with a normal technique class is that I apply my didactic methodology FlamenConsciente® where I integrate “The Technique and the Self in Unity”. We worked on the concept of the “Essential Premises” for CBT: breathing, strength, weight and balance. Attention, direction, intention of the energy in the movement. Time, awareness and love.
  2. The second part of the session will be to explore how all these movements – which have to do with the traditional flamenco dance technique – affect your emotional state, discovering blockages, fears, sensations that are deeply stored and that we will carefully address in order to heal and transmute. We will give space for our energy to learn to express itself and show itself freely, to feel a little freer, in tune with our dance and life.
  • What you usually wear to your dance class, (heels, skirt, comfortable clothes).
  • In addition, a safu, a mala, white clothes, if possible, a skirt and a quartz stone.
  • Socks so you can take off your shoes.
  • A pen and paper.

FlamenConsciente® Retreat: 320€.

  • 2 nights lodging in “La casita de El Portal”, in a double room to share.

El Portal invites you to share meals together on the Lake Terrace. We love to cook something for the attendees and that you enjoy our kitchen as if you were at home. Also, feel free to bring something that you like or that you can cook, so we will have a variety of dishes to enjoy together.

We share breakfast, afternoon snack, lunch and dinner.

Through Paypal or Western Union.

If you live in Spain you only have to make a bank transfer to La Caixa (ask me for the details) or Bizum.

En Sevilla, Guillena, Urbanización Los Lagos del Serrano. Fase 1

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