La pera hace lo que sabe hacer: ser pera.


Have you ever thought of standing next to the pear tree and demanding the pear, “Grow! Ripen already! Don’t you see that all the others are more beautiful, tasty, and ripe than you? Come on, fall already! Be quicker! You’re silly, slow, clumsy, and I don’t want you.”

I know you haven’t, I know you know that it would be stupid and useless.

Well, that’s exactly what you do to your body.

From your all-knowing head, you tell it:

  • What it has to be
  • How it has to be
  • When it has to be
  • You rush and pressure it
  • You compare it
  • You judge it
  • You devalue it
  • You weaken it because it isn’t or doesn’t do what you would like it to be or do.

How do you think your body feels when it hears you mistreating it that way?

Well, it feels weak, blocked, and powerless. I know you feel this, although very few times do you know why it feels that way. Then, you tell it again: “There you are again, not wanting to move, come on, get up, stomp and do it right!”

See, even a pear is happier than your body while your head thinks it’s very smart.

A year ago exactly, we were called to, like it or not, honor the body; to care for it, to look at it, to know if it has good defenses, if it can get infected, infect others, get sick or be a carrier.

All this time our life was dominated by our arrogant minds, thinking that blowing and making bottles is very easy, what happens is that the body they have is slow and clumsy. The body was filtered by what the head believed. The head and its queen – the mind – from its height, has organized the ego; alongside it according to its laws, old and encrusted beliefs that are only thoughts. But the body is mass, it is and exists, here and now. It needs to respect its rhythm to mature and give the best of itself with your love and mental support.

That’s why I know your common sense would prevent you from telling a pear that it is clumsy and slow, although the lack of body awareness, not knowing that you inhabit your flesh and that your body is the only one that can tell you what it feels, where it feels it and when it feels it; makes you mistreat yourself physically and emotionally.

It is you who must silence the mind; putting it at the service of the body, preventing it from disqualifying it because it can’t dance or live as it wants.

You must make it hear the sounds of the body, the vibrations, the breathing, the heartbeat, feel its warmth, sweat, tremor, because this is its language and if you teach the head to perceive the body you will have the strength of superior intelligence in your heart.

La India.

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